A Hoot of a Spectacle
Captive breeding and reintroduction of Spectacled Owls (Pulsatrix perspicillata) in Guatemala
Orinoco Loco
Bill Lamar drops by his office in Colombia for a morning coffee and finds a ten-foot crocodile had the same idea.
Anthurium diabloense: What’s in a Name?
A beautiful new aroid species and the nitty-gritty of tropical plant discovery and naming.
Poison Frog Porn, Part III: Perú
Frogs Gone Wild. A gallery of Perú’s spectacular poison frog fauna.
The Native Lingo
Ornamental Plant Taxonomy & Breeding – An Illustrated Guide to the Terminology
A Collector’s Look at Anthurium Hybrids and Hybridization
Rothschild’s Creation, Mistaken Identities and Spathe Oddities
The New Birding for Old Knees
Birdwatching for rarities in the tropics usually requires some sacrifice. We may have found a better way…
And Along Came a Spider...With Some Friends and Relatives
Some of my experiences with what many might consider the creepiest of the crawlies.
Up close and personal: Gabriel Rodríguez Coloma
Portraits of dancing egrets and feathered serpents
Up close and personal: Camilo Sabogal
Daguerreotype imaging in Colombia in the 21st century
Colombia’s floral megadiversity on display in modern architectural jewel cases.
Raising a Little Stink
Notes on Anthurium clidemioides, A. pacificum and A. flexile in nature and cultivation.
A Thousand Rivers Run Through It
“And God said, let the waters swarm with living creatures…” Genesis 1:20 ¿Did we mention we like to fly fish for offbeat species?