A Hoot of a Spectacle
Captive breeding and reintroduction of Spectacled Owls (Pulsatrix perspicillata) in Guatemala
And Along Came a Spider...With Some Friends and Relatives
Some of my experiences with what many might consider the creepiest of the crawlies.
Famed herpetologist, author, Neotropical nature guide and guest Esotérico Bill Lamar brings his wit and lens to bear on some of our favorite critters - HUGE beetles.
Images, info and anecdotes from the field to get your spidey-senses tingling.
B&W Photography as Botanical Illustration
A different perspective on the art of 21st century botanical illustration
Snake Dancing in the Western Guatemalan Highlands
An overview of snake handling by the K’iche’ in the Guatemalan Altiplano
Slideshow - Alligator Lizards in the Air: Guatemalan Bromeliads and Their Cold-blooded Tenants
Bromeliads and associated critters in Guatemala